[TORONTO, ON.] “You think there will be merch here? ’cause I want those socks!” a serious question that was asked out loud whilst in the queue by an eager fan ready to splurge her hard earned cash on an important statement piece. This past Friday, Lennon Stella released her newest single titled BITCH (Takes one to know one) available on each streaming platform. Together with the release, she has marketed swag-sock for the noticeable bitch to take a stand against any hurtful partner in life. The venue doors opened right at 6:30 pm, exactly the same time Stella posted a tweet announcing her music video for BITCH coming out in two days time.
Time Length.: 1 hour 10 mins Set Start.: 8:30pm
Special appreciation to Sony Music for granting StyleHeirs.com press access to the Love, Me Tour by Lennon Stella at the Danforth Music Hall. The talented singer-songwriter has recently finished filming the final season of the musical drama series, Nashville and has now ventured out to a solo singing career under the direction of the recording label, RECORDS LLC. November marked her initial launch into a new command in life. Where she’ll have a better way to control her creative studio projects and presented her first extended play titled Love, Me a cohesive line of songs that have captivated her 9million+ monthly listeners on Spotify.
Prior to her set, Toronto’s own alternative pop band, Valley, performed an opening set and my favourite notable mention is how Stella had the stage cleansed with burning incense before she arrived on stage. Which brought a refreshing reset to the concert goers minds and definitely their souls as we inhaled purity and exhaled the stress that may still linger on a Tuesday evening. The stage was set-up in a clean, clutter-free manner that was symmetrical in positioning her band plus their instruments and she had neon signage that read her full name in white and title of the tour in neon-pink.
Like Everybody Else, was the opening song for her set that gave a soft entrance but displayed her powerful vocal skills that maintained throughout her stage performance. It was as if she wanted to take her fans on an emotional journey that began with being humble, in questioning everything, even oneself. Definitely, she’s no novice when it comes to singing live on stage, yet, she can develop better methods to involve the crowd more whilst on stage. Perhaps, if she gave a more descriptive background of certain songs she introduced rather than saying she wrote it and the name of the song would go a long way in connecting with her supportive fans that paid to see her live.
It’s important for musicians to know how to play actual instruments and tonight, Stella displayed her talents in playing the guitar and piano. For her major hit-single Polaroid, she played her mini acoustic guitar later she took to the piano and sung a majestic cover to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. A pleasant heart-felt surprise was when Stella brought out her younger sister Maisy to sing KIDS another cover that the audience reacted to with explosive cheering.
There were a few songs that I hadn’t heard before and currently don’t know where to find them, so I’m guessing it will be on her next set of collective songs. One that I look forward to having on repeat is Leave Me Alone. Ooh and also You Would. Or maybe they’re songs from the Nashville series and I didn’t know it since I don’t watch television to be informed. Anyway, Lennon Stella is a preternaturally born performer, being that this is her first concert on her first solo tour and there were no nerves present and it’s apparent that she will have a lasting career in music.
Inherit Love, I AM,